Invisible women

1 min readFeb 5, 2023

Yesterday I went for the first time in my life to a feminist BOOK CLUB.
Very nice and I also found a man!

The book selected was:

Invisible women — How the lack of data on women is shaping a world made for men

The comments revolved around:
-lots of information
-who knows what happens to the one described after the covid
the design is made by men and therefore tailored to them (see car belts)
-everything around us is based on masculine standards
-who knows if men read this book
— but some angry feminism inside the text

  • medical science has begun to take a serious interest in the typically late female ailments
  • male-dominated medicine ( viagra more studied than endometriosis)

I haven’t read the book.
I don’t know if I will.
But the idea that I caught is: what around us is proposed on non-inclusive but unique standards?




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